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From Mole to Elote: Exploring the Richness of Traditional Mexican Food Truck Cuisine This Cinco de Mayo.

Beyond the Margarita

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that celebrates Mexico’s victory over France in the Battle of Puebla. Of course, it’s also a perfect opportunity to indulge in delicious traditional cuisine. Many Americans love an excuse to drink margaritas and eat tacos. While tasty, these dishes only give us a partial picture of the rich and diverse flavors that make up Mexican cuisine. So why not take this Cinco de Mayo as a chance to expand your palate and explore more authentic Mexican dishes? Here are some must-try traditional dishes that will add more depth and culture to your Cinco de Mayo celebration.

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Mole Poblano

One dish often associated with Cinco de Mayo is mole, a rich sauce made from a blend of spices. In fact, Mole Poblano is the official dish of Cinco de Mayo and originated in Puebla. Mole Poblano is typically a deep red or brown color and is made with Mexican chocolate, chilis, fruits, nuts, and seeds.


Authentic Mexican Street corn, called elote, is a staple at any Cinco de Mayo celebration. This simple but flavorful dish features grilled corn on the cob slathered in mayo, cheese, chili powder, and lime juice. It’s messy but oh so delicious!

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Tamales are another popular traditional Mexican dish. These steamed packets of corn dough, or masa, with fillings such as chicken, pork, or cheese, are a labor of love. They take time and effort to make but are well worth it for their delicious taste.

Tacos may be a staple in Americanized Mexican cuisine, but authentic street tacos are a different experience. Filled with your choice of meat, cilantro, onions, and salsa on warm, soft corn tortillas, these small, tasty bites are a must at your celebration.


Chalupas are a popular dish in south-central Mexico. This Mexican snack, or antojitos, is made from fried masa and is topped or filled with ingredients like salsa, shredded meat, onions, and cheese. Traditional chalupas are different from the Americanized dish you may have had at Taco Bell, so try them for an authentic Cinco de Mayo experience.

Discover the Depths of Mexican Cuisine

Cinco de Mayo provides a splendid opportunity to immerse oneself in Mexico’s culinary richness beyond the typical fare. Each dish offers a unique taste of the country’s diverse and vibrant culture. This year, explore these traditional Mexican dishes to make your celebration more meaningful. You will add variety to your Cinco de Mayo festivities and pay homage to the rich history and traditions that these dishes represent.

Booking Food Trucks: Your Ticket to a Stress-Free Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

In the vibrant whirl of planning your Cinco de Mayo celebration, catering should be the least of your worries—and we’re here to ensure just that. At Booking Food Trucks, we specialize in matching your event with the perfect culinary companions. Whether you’re leaning towards authentic flavors or craving inventive twists on traditional dishes (or maybe a bit of both), we’ve got you covered. In Denver, for instance, Denver Street Tacos and The Walking Taco offer more traditional cuisine alongside dishes with a twist.

No matter your fiesta’s theme or taste preference, contact us. We’re dedicated to spicing up your celebration by connecting you with the best food trucks in town. Let’s make this Cinco de Mayo one to remember!

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